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Anderson Boat Cruises

Loyalty Rewards

We love having you onboard, and My Red Funnel Rewards is our little way of saying thanks. For every £1 you spend on ferry tickets and food and drinks, we’ll award you with five points. Registering is free – start collecting today! 

How it works

  1. Log in or sign up to My Red Funnel and add My Rewards to your account. 
  2. Collect – you’ll get 4-5 points for every £1 spent on ferry travel or food and drinks from our ReFuel Café and Steam Coffee Co. outlets. Each point is worth a penny. 
  3. Redeem – points give free or discounted journeys, or use them to buy food and drinks. 
  4. Keep Track – your points statement and ideas for how to spend them are all available online. 

Loyalty Scheme FAQ

My Red Funnel Rewards is Red Funnel’s points based loyalty scheme, offering private mainland customers the chance to earn 4 points for every £1 spent on qualifying purchases including private vehicle ferry, foot passenger travel and food & drink. Each point is worth 1 penny.

My Red Funnel Rewards Plus is exclusively for Isle of Wight residents. Like the standard scheme it allows private customers to earn points on qualifying purchases, but with an enhanced rate of 5 points per £1 spent. Each point is still worth 1 penny.

Your registered address will determine which scheme you are enrolled in.

No, it's completely free to sign up and no purchase is necessary to join.

My Red Funnel Rewards is open to customers aged 14 years or over.

Yes. Existing My Red Funnel customers are able to add My Rewards scheme to their existing My Red Funnel account, but you still need to opt-in and accept the terms and conditions of the scheme.

Yes, in order to join you need a My Red Funnel account, but this can be created in just a few mouse clicks as part of the online sign-up process - you need your email, name and postal address.

Points can be earned / redeemed online by logging into your My Red Funnel account and making a qualifying booking. Points can also be made via the contact centre or in person onboard vehicle ferries / at terminals using the following methods:

  • Presenting a printed paper membership card.
  • Presenting an electronic scanable card by logging in to My Red Funnel Rewards using a smart phone.
  • Presenting a plastic My Red Funnel Rewards membership card.
  • Presenting an existing Travel Card or Season Ticket held under the same My Red Funnel account as a My Rewards membership. 

An initial 300 points must be earned and validated before any points can be redeemed. After this initial threshold has been reached, validated points can be redeemed in part or in full.
Please note that points are valid for 5 years.

Points earned from ferry travel will be validated at midnight the day after travel for each leg of the journey. When a booking has been made, the points from any legs that have not been completed will show as pending.

Points will expire 5 years after the date they are validated.

Rewards points cannot be earned or redeemed against any commercial bookings / accounts; season or saver ticket purchases; coach bookings; any ferry travel bookings for vans exceeding 5.5 metres in length or 2 metres in height; food and drink purchases made onboard Red Jet services; in relation to third party supplied products such as accommodation, attraction tickets, event tickets, packaged activities, fly and dine offers and rail, bus & coach tickets or; against ferry travel bookings made via a third party e.g. accommodation provider.

Yes, all Travel Card bookings qualify for My Rewards points. Points will be awarded based on the net cost of the booking and are validated at midnight the day after travel. Points earned can be used to pay or part-pay for new bookings made using a Travel Card. Please note that points cannot be used to top-up a Travel Card account.

Yes, your Travel Card / Season Ticket can be scanned at the point of purchase (excluding Red Jets and ticket vending machines).

Yes, points are awarded on new Season Ticket purchases / renewals made after joining the Rewards scheme. Points will be awarded upfront for Season Ticket purchases. Rewards points cannot be used to pay / part-pay for new Season Tickets / Season Ticket renewals.

Please note: customers purchasing / renewing a Season Ticket prior to 7th August 2015 will have been given free credit on a Travel Card as per the previous terms and conditions. From 7th August 2015, Season Ticket purchases / renewals only earn My Reward points.

Yes, Saver Tickets purchased by My Rewards members will earn points based on the net cost. Points cannot be used to purchase Saver Tickets. 

Yes, points will be added automatically for the parts of your booking that qualify.

No, My Rewards points can only be earned on new bookings made after you have signed up for the scheme. 

Yes, My Rewards points can be earned from any booking where the product type qualifies. Points will be awarded against the net spend (i.e. the price paid). 

Points earned from catering purchases will ordinarily be validated and available for redemption the same day. Points earned from travel purchases will be validated and available for redemption from midnight the day after travel.

Unfortunately points cannot be earned / redeemed against third party supplied products such as accommodation, attraction tickets, event tickets, packaged activities, fly and dine offers or rail, bus & coach tickets.

Unfortunately not at present, this is something we are working on for the future.

No, unfortunately points cannot be earned / redeemed against ferry bookings made by a third party.

Points can only be spent using the My Reward member's account, but travel can be booked for someone else and payment / part-payment made using your rewards points. 

No, unfortunately My Red Funnel Rewards is for private customers only.

No, My Rewards points can only be earned on van bookings for vans under 2 metres in height and under 5.5 metres in length.

No, not at the moment although it's something we hope to offer in the future. 

You can add My Rewards to each of your My Red Funnel accounts but it's not possible to pool your reward points. We therefore recommend you add My Rewards to your most active / up-to-date account and ask us to close the others - we will transfer across the points balance from any accounts you wish to close.

By joining the My Red Funnel Rewards scheme you have agreed to be contacted occasionally via email in relation to the scheme. This is separate to My Red Funnel general marketing preferences, which can still be opted in / out of at any time.

No, points can only be gained / redeemed using your registered My Red Funnel Account and cannot be earned using the guest booking option.

Loyalty Scheme T&C

1.1 In these terms and conditions the following expressions shall have the following meanings:

1.1.1 My Red Funnel Rewards Card means a Red Funnel Rewards Card issued to individual Members as a plastic membership card, a printed paper membership card or an electronic membership card viewable on a smart telephone or tablet.

1.1.2 My Red Funnel Account means a Red Funnel customer account created by a Member.

1.1.3 Isle of Wight resident means a person whose place of permanent UK residence is on the Isle of Wight and who is registered as a resident in postcode sectors PO30 to PO41.

1.1.4 Member means a Red Funnel customer who is an individual and is eligible for a My Red Funnel Account and who has joined the Rewards scheme.

1.1.5 Qualifying Ferry Travel means private vehicle travel bookings, to include, cars and vans not exceeding 5.5 metres in length or 2 metres in height, minibuses, motorhomes, horseboxes, motorcycles and towed vehicles.

1.1.6 Non Qualifying Ferry Travel means vans exceeding 5.5 metres in length or 2 metres in height.

1.1.7 Rewards and/or scheme means the My Red Funnel Rewards scheme, for which all references also apply to the Plus scheme, unless otherwise stated, as herein defined.

1.1.8 Red Funnel means Southampton Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 2404 whose registered office is at 12 Bugle Street, Southampton SO14 2JY.

1.2 The headings in these conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

2.1 To join the Rewards scheme customers must have created or hold in existence a My Red Funnel Account. Existing My Red Funnel Members can add the Rewards scheme to their existing My Red Funnel Account. New customers will be prompted to create a My Red Funnel Account as part of the Rewards' sign-up process. Customers without access to the internet and/or without an email address can apply to join by completing and signing an application form and returning via post to: My Red Funnel Rewards, 12 Bugle Street, Southampton SO14 2JY. Please note paper statements will not be available for the scheme and special offers will be communicated by email only.

2.2 New Members joining the Rewards scheme must register their personal details upon joining and keep Red Funnel informed promptly of any changes via their My Red Funnel account.

2.3 A full postal address must be provided before a customer can add the Rewards scheme to their My Red Funnel Account.

2.4 The Member confirms that they have read the Terms and Conditions of the My Red Funnel Rewards scheme and accepts and agrees to be bound by them. Continued use of the Rewards scheme constitutes a Members acceptance of the terms and conditions as amended from time to time.

2.5 Membership is non transferable or assignable, and is for the benefit of the individual registered Member travelling only.

2.6 The Rewards scheme cannot be combined with any other loyalty, discount, membership or other loyalty scheme associated either directly or indirectly with Red Funnel unless otherwise stated.

2.7 Isle of Wight residents only are eligible for the My Red Funnel Rewards Plus scheme and proof of address may be requested during use of the Card. Isle of Wight residents will be automatically enrolled in the My Red Funnel Rewards Plus scheme upon joining.

2.8 UK mainland customers are eligible for the My Red Funnel Rewards scheme.

2.9 No purchase is required in order to join the Rewards scheme.

2.10 All members of the scheme must be resident in the UK and aged 14 years or over.

2.11 Members are only entitled to one Rewards account each. Members are not entitled to apply for more than one card (in any form). Red Funnel reserves the right to refuse, merge or close additional or suspicious accounts at any time without notice to the account holder.

2.12 The Rewards scheme is open to a natural person only, and is not open to companies, partnerships, unincorporated associations or any other entity, business related or otherwise.

2.13 The Rewards scheme is available for private individual customers and private travel only. It is not available for commercial freight, coach accounts or bookings.

2.14 Points cannot be awarded retrospectively for purchases made prior to a Member joining the Rewards scheme.

2.15 Red Funnel employees and staff are not permitted to join the Rewards scheme.

2.16 Upon joining the Rewards scheme, Members agree to be contacted by Red Funnel via email with news, offers and updates in relation to the scheme, irrespective of other marketing preferences selected within a member's My Red Funnel account. The Rewards scheme operates in accordance with Red Funnel's privacy policy and as such no personal information is passed on to any third-party organisations without the Member's permission.

2.17 All intellectual property rights of any nature whatsoever (including the Red Funnel logo) relating to the scheme in any way shall belong to Red Funnel, and a Member shall have no rights of any nature whatsoever in respect of any of such intellectual property rights.

3.1 Members can earn Rewards points from expenditure on Qualifying Ferry Travel bookings made directly with Red Funnel either:

3.1.1 online;

3.1.2 by phone; or

3.1.3 in person; and

3.1.4 from catering products purchased at the Red Funnel terminals and on board vehicle ferries.

3.2 Reward points cannot be earned when making a commercial booking or on any non Qualifying Ferry Travel.

3.3 Reward points cannot be earned or redeemed on catering purchases made on board Red Jet services.

3.4 To collect points for online bookings, Members must make the booking via their My Red Funnel Account to which their Rewards account is associated (points will be earned automatically).

3.5 In addition to online bookings, points can also be earned and redeemed in person, on board vehicle ferries, or at terminals using the My Red Funnel Rewards Card.

3.6 Rewards scheme Members will be awarded 4 points for every qualifying £1GBP spent.

3.7 Plus scheme Members will be awarded 5 points for every qualifying £1GBP spent.

3.8 Members must present their My Red Funnel Rewards Card at the point of sale in order to collect points for a transaction made in person at the terminals or onboard. Please note: loyalty points displayed on your receipt may not reflect the full value, as points are rounded down to the closest full number for display purposes. Transactions of the same value may show a slight variation in the points awarded on different occasions, due to the hidden decimal place. The full value of loyalty points, including the decimal values, are accurately recorded in our system, and will be utilised at the point of redemption. 

3.9 If, for any reason, points are not earned at the time of purchase, Red Funnel cannot validate points at a later date.

3.10 The My Red Funnel Rewards Card is personal and can only be used by the Member named on the Card. In the case the card is damaged, lost or stolen, Red Funnel may at its discretion issue a new Card to the Member. Red Funnel does not assume any liability for any damages, lost or stolen cards.

3.11 Points can only be earned against purchases made directly with Red Funnel. Rewards points cannot be earned or redeemed in relation to third party supplied goods or services such as accommodation, attraction tickets, event tickets, packaged activities, fly and dine offers and rail, bus and coach tickets. Other products may also be excluded from the scheme at the sole discretion of Red Funnel.

3.12 It is not currently possible to earn or redeem Rewards points at Red Funnel ticket vending machines.

3.13 Rewards points cannot be earned or redeemed against Red Funnel payment plan purchases

3.14 Where Rewards points are redeemed as part-payment, Rewards points will not be earned on any part of the transaction.

3.15 Points can only be redeemed via the Rewards Member’s account. Travel can be booked on behalf of someone else and payment or part-payment made using Rewards points.

3.16 Where purchases are refunded, any points earned against the purchase will be debited from the Member’s account. In the event that related points have already been spent prior to a refund being issued, Red Funnel reserves the right to charge the monetary value of the points owed in £GBP.

3.17 Red Funnel is under no obligation to award Rewards points for any reason outside of qualifying transactions.

3.18 Points earned from catering purchases will ordinarily be validated and available for redemption the same day.

3.19 Points earned from travel purchases will be validated and available for redemption from midnight the day after travel.

3.20 Only whole points earned will be validated for redemption.

3.21 Points can be redeemed once a member has accrued an initial 300 points. Each point has a redemption value of 1 penny and points can be used to purchase or part-purchase ferry tickets online, by phone or in person at a ticket office, and to purchase or part-purchase catering items onboard or at terminals. Red Funnel will not exchange points for cash or any cash alternative.

3.22 Members who earn more than 1000 points will be issued with a personalised plastic My Red Funnel Rewards Card which will be sent in the post to the residential address registered on their My Red Funnel Account.

3.23 Where points are earned or redeemed as payment or part payment for travel bookings, travel is subject to Red Funnel’s Standard Terms and Conditions of booking and carriage and is also subject to availability.

3.24 Season ticket customers who have opted into Rewards when purchasing or renewing season tickets will be awarded points  based on the net price paid. Points will be validated at midnight the day after the new season ticket period commences.

3.25 Rewards points cannot be used to pay or part pay for new season tickets or season ticket renewals.

3.26 Members can earn points from bookings made using a travel card. Points will be awarded based on the net price paid and validated at midnight the day after travel. Points earned can be used to pay or part-pay for new travel card bookings. Points earned cannot be used to pay or part-pay for travel card top-ups.

3.27 Travel card top-ups will not earn Rewards points. However, Rewards points will be earned from bookings made using a travel card as per clause 3.26.

3.28 Saver tickets purchased by Members will earn points based on net spend. Points cannot be used to pay or part pay for new saver tickets.

3.29 Points cannot be earned on bookings made as part of sponsored travel arrangements.

3.30 Unspent points will automatically expire 5 years after their date of issue.

3.31 My Red Funnel Rewards Account, My Red Funnel Rewards Cards, and points are issued by, and remain the sole property of Red Funnel and cannot be transferred, bought, sold or traded.

3.32 Red Funnel reserves the right to promote the Rewards scheme and reward Rewards Members at its sole discretion.

4.1 Red Funnel reserves the right to terminate, alter, and withdraw the Rewards scheme and to make changes to the benefits, registration, administration and the terms and conditions at any time without notice to the Members. Such amendments or termination may include, but is not limited to, points being cancelled.

4.2 The qualifying level of points per monetary spend may be varied from time to time at the sole discretion of Red Funnel without notice to the Members.

4.3 Red Funnel may decline to issue My Red Funnel Rewards Accounts, My Red Funnel Rewards Cards, and points, and has the right to remove a Member from the scheme at any time where there is reasonable belief of:

4.3.1 any abuse or attempted abuse of the Rewards scheme;

4.3.2 any breach or attempted breach of these terms and conditions; or

4.3.3 any behaviour relating to the Rewards scheme or Red Funnel that involves theft, misconduct, abusive or offensive behaviour, or supplying false or misleading information.

4.4 Membership can be terminated by the Member at any time by leaving the Rewards scheme. Members forfeit the right to any points already accrued or issued. If a Member does wish to leave the Rewards scheme, membership can be terminated by written notice marked for the attention of My Red Funnel Rewards Membership Team at the registered office address of Red Funnel.

4.5 In the event of the termination of membership the My Red Funnel Rewards Card (if in the form of a plastic card) must be returned immediately to Red Funnel.

5.1 It is entirely the responsibility of Members to ensure points have been awarded and debited in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Rewards scheme. Red Funnel accepts no liability for errors.

5.2 Risk (for example, theft or unauthorised or fraudulent redemption) associated with Rewards points passes to the Member as soon as points are awarded to the Member. Red Funnel is not liable for unauthorised or fraudulent redemptions arising due to the actions of the Member or the failure by the Member to adhere to these terms and conditions.

5.3 Except in the case of death or personal injury arising from its negligence, or in respect of fraud, and so far as is permitted by law, Red Funnel’s maximum liability to a member in relation to their participation in the Rewards scheme shall not exceed the final points balance of their Rewards account. Red Funnel shall not, in any case, be liable for matters which are beyond Red Funnel’s reasonable control.

5.4 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

5.5 All reasonable endeavours shall be made to settle any disputes arising under these terms and conditions by negotiation, agreement and/or mediation, however, if this is not possible the dispute will be submitted to, and settled by the Courts of England and Wales.

5.6 The promoter of My Red Funnel Rewards is Red Funnel.

5.7 Notwithstanding the above, nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect the Members statutory rights.

5.8 A waiver of any right under these terms and conditions is only effective if it is in writing and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. Failure by Red Funnel to exercise any of its rights under these terms and conditions or by law shall in no way constitute a waiver of these rights, nor shall such failure excuse Members from any of their obligations under these terms and conditions. 

6.1 Please note Members who are creating a new My Red Funnel account at the same time as signing up for My Red Funnel Rewards also need to ensure they have read and understood Red Funnel’s Privacy Policy. Joining My Red Funnel Rewards constitutes acceptance of Red Funnel’s Privacy Policy. More details can be viewed here.