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Autumn Walking Festival

Oct 4th - Oct 12th | All Day

Now in its 26th year, the Isle of Wight Walking Festival remains one of the UK’s most loved and largest walking festivals, offering over 150 walks across two nine-day events, for all ages and abilities.

a couple take in the views from brading down
Isle of WIght Walking Festival
Isle of WIght Walking Festival
Winter Walking
Winter Walking and Needles
Spring Walking Festival

What's On

SAVE THE DATE - The Isle of Wight Walking Festival festival continues!  

Following the Spring Walking Festival, The Autumn event features an array of walks for all abilities and ages.

The Walking Festival is a friendly coming together in the great outdoors for all ages, and most walks are free or with a donation to charity. Head over for a day or stay a while, with over 500-miles of footpaths to explore, the Isle of Wight is a haven for adventurers. 

Stay up to date with the latest news via the Isle of Wight Walking Festival website.